Posts tagged holistic therapyTherapy
Finding Joy in Everyday Routines

Between schedules and keeping up social appearances, it is hard to take a step back and enjoy the wondrous beauty of our surroundings. In a world where there is pressure to be accountable for each hour, a feeling of guilt takes over when we take some time out of our routines to seek joy in the small things. However, keeping in touch with the little things that can bring moments of joy into our routine can not only bring an increase in productivity as well as improving our mood. Joy is a contagious feeling which can change each person when even a small part is introduced. So much of our life revolves around moments of stress that it is hard to see moments of joy that are right there in front of us. Many people fail to understand the importance of including these moments until they are hit with a devastating experience, after which they try to include the steps to experience joy.  If we take the initiative to involve finding joy in ordinary things, there will be fewer regrets, and there will be an increase in living in the present instead of worrying about the future. Just by trying to intentionally find joy can create a natural transition into finding moments of joy unconsciously, which leads to a happier life.  

~Angela Jetty