Overcoming Obstacles to Live

Life happens! No matter what is done or not done, said or not said…life will continue to happen. But while life is happening, there are choices that can determine the outcome of one’s ability to live or exist with the happenings of life. Obstacles..they happen! In life! And are meant to teach a lesson in order to maintain growth, which is a main aspect of living.  Obstacles can also be the hindrance that forces merely existence.  So, how does one overcome the obstacles in life in order to live and not merely exist?

Obstacles create tension, and with that tension comes unconscious exerted behavior as an easy coping mechanism. Knowing self well enough to forgive the self for the actions is a key aspect of having the capability to move forward. Take the time to recognize the emotions caused by the obstacle and express those emotions the best way possible. Journaling, talk therapy, and expressive recording are a few ways that allow an individual to simply…GET IT OUT. Once it is out, it becomes easier to analyze and gives a clear insight into the information needed to recognize the message and the lessons intended to teach. The more the lessons are relevant, the more they are applied to life in order to continue growing with the intent to LIVE.

For every illness, there is a cure. Look at obstacles as an illness and you have the key ingredients for the cure. Life does not have to be harder based on a choice. Therefore, learn from the experience of the obstacle; grow from what you learn, and live through your growth. How does something grow without the proper nutrients? The obstacle is the food and the valuable lessons are the nutrients. Consider one’s ability to express to be the waste needed to be disposed of in order to absorb the healthiest minerals. Continuous consumption of healthy minerals equates prosperous growth which then equates healthy.

~DeAnna L. Alexander