
People are constantly throwing the word “toxic” around lately. Have you recognized, owned up to, and started working to improve your toxic ways?

Self-reflection is essential to growth. It allows us to understand why we are the way we are, why we think the way we do, why we behave and react the way we do. Sure, it’s easy for us to blame everyone but ourselves for the failure of things in our life like relationships, friendships, not being where we want in life, etc. At some point in life you have to question yourself, and your flaws. Life is a reflection of who we are and what we allow to happen. Sometimes the problem is you. Does that make you less worthy of anything? No. It simply means that taking a step back and reflecting on what needs to be changed in order to reach the life you long for is needed. 

Rid of all negativity; whether it’s negative thoughts, people, or habits. Form new and positive habits, relationships, and thoughts. Begin a new daily routine that guides you to the things you want to accomplish. Be as vulnerable as you can be, to unleash things that may be holding you back from a better you. Start a self-Reflection journey, that’s gives you the opportunity to read back on growth you’ve accomplished thus far. Reflect on every mistake or negative behavior you may regret. Own them, grow from them, and be happy for them. As they were learning lessons needed to get you where you need to be.