The Importance of taking Postpartum Depression Seriously

Finally, you’ve reached the time you have been waiting for. Their little hand wraps around one singular finger of yours. Everything feels serene and safe. It is supposed to be, right? You think to yourself “I should be happy.” Soon, the guilt fills in that you have to force yourself to be happy. Suddenly, a droplet glides down your cheek. You don’t understand if this is a heavy tear of sadness or a light tear of happiness. 

It’s going to be okay. 

These feelings of stress, anxiety, worry, describes the postpartum depression which is common after giving birth. With the excess hormones that are released during birth, and after individuals battle this change in their body. The hormones can cause massive mood fluctuations and can throw off the biological clock of the body.  It is important to understand that postpartum depression is common and there are many things to do to alleviate these feelings of isolation before it turns into something way more severe.

Remember, you are not alone

Identifying the symptoms of postpartum depression can help prevent severe depression and complete isolation. It  may seem like a scary process and it is something that is hard to wrap your head around. Yet, there are so many resources and ways to upbring yourself from this gray area. 

Some Common Symptoms

  1. Mood: fluctuations in guilt, anger, sadness, panic attacks

  2. Behavioral: crying, irritability, restlessness

  3. Cognitive: lack of concentration, focus, fear

Postpartum depression symptoms are very similar to depression symptoms. However, with the extra hormones that ignite during postpartum the symptoms are much more fluctuating. That is why it is important to realize how intertwined the symptoms can get, and why it is so important not to dismiss it. There are many ways to come to a better understanding of yourself and work towards a plan to keep on track of health and happiness. However, if it gets too out of control it is so important to talk to a professional about how you are feeling. It’s important to note that these feelings are common after giving birth, and should not be brushed away. Listen to your body and listen to your mind. If the harmony is not there, and it is getting more severe do not hesitate to talk to a professional. 

Again, you are not alone. 

~ Varshini Kakarla

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