Balancing it All: Achieving Work-Life Equilibrium


Achieving a work-life balance is something we all dream of. It seems impossible as if it’s nearly out of reach, but it is a goal that’s possible to accomplish. What does this phrase, “work-life balance” really mean? In short, it is just making sure you are dividing your time in a way where you spend a healthy amount of time being concerned with work-related things and the rest of the time, doing things that you enjoy. If you wanted to take that kick boxing class at your local gym or teach yourself a new artistic medium but assumed you wouldn’t have time to because of your work schedule, the tips below may help you create and maintain a beneficial balance.

There are different things you can take into account depending on the setting and in general that can help reduce stress and use your time productively as well. At work, some things that would help manage your stress would include: setting goals, managing your time efficiently, taking breaks, listening to music/podcasts, and trying to have thorough communication with your coworkers. At home some things you can do to take your mind out of work mode are: taking a break from technology, dividing household responsibilities, don’t commit to too many plans, destress with families and friends, do things you enjoy (working out, reading, etc.) and don’t be afraid to get therapy if you think it would benefit you.

Some more general tips to reduce stress are: stepping back and being introspective, figuring out what your current stressors are and and determining which ones are outside of your control, reprioritize things in your life and relax.

In conclusion, being a “workaholic” can have a detrimental effect on your overall health. From fatigue to social isolation, having a healthy work-life balance can prevent all of the above. Achieving it is not a singular destination, but rather, maintaining a work-life balance  is a recurring journey that varies with whatever pops up in your life. As long as you’re trying your best to separate your home life from your work life once you clock out, you’re already doing well.

~Divine Ikpe

Monica Manuel